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“Heavy-Metal-Verses” is an artistic research that explores the poetics of physics and establishes a search for analogies between physics and human relationships, as well as artistic and poetic creation itself. It has been developed in the program Artist-in-Science-Residence of Kultur einer Digitalstadt (Darmstadt) in collaboration with GSI/FAIR.

The starting point is the kilonova as an event that leads to creation through destruction, an end that becomes a beginning. Two neutron stars in a binary system orbit each other until they finally collide, creating an environment of high neutron density and high temperature through the merger process, which gives birth to new elements, the synthesis of heavy, radioactive atomic nuclei. The glow of electromagnetic radiation emitted at this moment, when the unstable nuclei decay, is what is known as the kilonova. Through research in collaboration with GSI/FAIR, this field has been extended backwards and forwards, to the supernovae that precede neutron stars and to the collisions that take place inside the GSI facility.

Two artworks were created through this research: the interactive web "Eternal state of Birth" and the interactive installation "Eternal state of Verse".



“Eternal state of Birth” is an interactive website in which the user/viewer is placed as the executor of the action by navigating through the different screens. The work evolves through events triggered by the viewer’s interaction by hovering, clicking, dragging and zooming. It is a poetic proposal around ideas of the kilonova, the destructive processes that lead to creation, cyclic, binary systems and matter.

The series of screens somehow creates a proposal for a universe that advocates the imaginative and the suggestive, taking physics as its starting point, taking these concepts beyond their own discipline and opening up the possibility of their subjective reinterpretation. In this way, they acquire new meanings for each viewer, who chooses their own path within the work and decides how far they wish to go in the exploration.

It does not work on mobile devices but you can watch a demo navigation video following this LINK.